Defibrillator Project completed

20231204 Palce Wood presentation

In January 2022, the club embarked on a project to try and ensure that every school in Maidstone had at least one defibrillator. The presentation of a defibrillator to Palace Wood Primary School was the 19th defibrillator and, marked the end of our project.  

It is a sad fact that every week in the UK, 12 young people under the age of 35 die from Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS) with many of these deaths taking place in a school setting.

The use of a defibrillator significantly improves the chance of survival, in fact use of a defibrillator within one minute of a Cardiac Arrest improves the chance of survival by 90%, with the chances of survival decreasing by 10% with every minute that passes.

For further information please email


Phase one of the project, to ensure that all schools within Maidstone Borough have a defibrillator, has been reached with the presentation of a defibrillator to Tiget Primary School, and the presentation of a defibrillator to Cornwallis Academy marked the start of phase two. Phase two is to provide additional defibrillators to where the size of the school means that additional devices are required to ensure that treatment can be provided within the golden ten minute period.

The presentation of a defibrillator to Tiger Primary School