
MAIDSTONE LIONS Club was chartered in 1959 and celebrated it's DIAMOND CHARTER in 2019. It is estimated that over that time, the Club has distributed in excess of £1 million pounds of aid since its formation. Lions Clubs in our District 105SE are part of a Global Organisation with 1.4M members in 208 Countries and geographical Regions. With this amount of manpower it's no wonder that Lions club members can achieve extraordinary things every day.

Lions clubs have members from all walks of life who enjoy getting together and organising good things. The Club welcomes men and women of all ages. Whenever Lions club members get together problems get smaller and communities get stronger because we assist where help is needed, in our own communities and around the World.

Our motto "We serve"

The Club also supports the work of Lions Clubs International Foundation which donates millions of pounds each year direct to local Lions Clubs in areas affected by disaster.

For further information about Maidstone Lions Club why not email us on info@maidstonelions.org.uk